pond surrounded by plants at daytime

The “Geospatial” Vision Enhances Understanding… If…

If the data are correct, that is! We can gain much understanding about a situation if location is a part of the context.

However, if the data are out of date, or of poor quality – or there is missing information – we are possibly more lost than before we began to understand the “spatial” aspects of the situation.

Maps have been used practically since humans existed on the earth (that modern humans have discovered so far, as of today!). Recently, the discoveries about deep areas in the Amazon jungle have indicated that “mapping” and geographical layouts were extremely important to people who lived and farmed (yes, farmed!) in those areas in ancient times. Using remote sensing technology (LiDAR), these areas were virtually discovered by peeling away the tree cover of the jungle to what the bare earth view exposed by that indicated. Watch the NOVA episode via PBS or online here. Just wow!

More discoveries using remote sensing survey methods and on the ground validation will give us amazing insight into these geographical and archeological discoveries! The technology shortcuts the time to discovery by years. Imagine early surveyors in the jungle just trying to get through to find places. They usually gave up, after people struggled to do so.