IntegraShare Dimensions, Inc.
Service Providers and Consultants in the Applications of Geospatial Data and Technology

Geospatial science and its application principles have been the core of our family business practices for over 100 years.

My Grandfather's Map
From His University Days.
First He Surveyed.
Then He Mapped The Data Captured
From His Survey. J.K. Wallingford Mapped This in 1918.
Today, I May Map in 3D
to Give A Greater Understanding
of Objects on the Earth.  Wind
Turbines in West Texas.
Using Satellite Gathered Imagery
As Base Maps Today,
We Can Gather More Context
To Understand Our Maps Better.
My Grandfather (center)
And His Fellow Surveyors
In the Field In 1921 - Where They
Worked - Riding Horseback to Remote
Places Then Hiking To Areas To Survey
My Dad, a Career Land Management Professional,
Used Hand Drafted Maps to Do His Work.
The Drawers in The Company's Drafting Room Contained
the Effective Database Which He and His
Colleagues Relied Upon to Do Their Work.

Helping People Understand More
About Locations Is The Heart of What
We Deliver - Direct From Authoritative Sources.

Dimensions of work are important contributors to success. Why is that?

Dimensions can be measured, monitored, and improved.  
We know the many dimensions of geospatial technology implementations
and the upside that they can provide, once these are successfully in place.
We know how they can fail if poorly executed or adopted.
We know that they can fail over time, due to a lack of attention.
We also know what helps them succeed in a sustainable way. 

This boils down to real solid business experience.  No hype.
Success requires measurement.
Let us help you imagine, realize, track and measure the greater dimensions of your success.

Why choose us to work with you?
What Distinguishes IntegraShare Dimensions From Others?
(the fine print…)

These behavior patterns are the same everywhere that people use technology for using information (and data) for doing their work.

We are not new at what we do.  Experience is like gold. We have experienced many transformations and growth of technology through time in this technology evolution. Be assured, that we truly care about our customers and the value that we deliver to them.

We understand the outcomes of using risky “unqualified” location-based data that has not been validated.

Outcomes can literally be life-threatening. Deceiving. Expensive. Dangerous.

We can help. We can explain the steps required to correct any issues you have with data integrity.

Once data are validated as correct, we can show you how to preserve data integrity by implementing steps for maintaining and sustaining your data quality – one business process at a time.

We have gained tremendous insights and learned many lessons through decades of progressive experience across a variety of business verticals ranging from government, non-profits, and small to giant commercial entities.

We never stop learning. We must first use a structured learning approach to understand our customer’s issues in all dimensions.  Once we do, we can solve the problem at hand for our customers and deliver great service. 

We are creative, yet we incorporate patterns and standards that are proven. We continue to evolve in the dimensions of our knowledge in order to provide the best services and solutions to our customers.

The keys?  Consistency and a structured approach in the incorporation of new technologies.  We do this carefully and consciously.  We build, then test.  We apply this across all solutions that we deliver.

If people expect that humans do not make mistakes, we think that this is unrealistic in the real world.  Learning involves doing your best to do due diligence and learn all that you can ahead of time. 

We believe that FEED studies help resolve much uncertainty up front, at a low cost, to avoid large cost mistakes and defects later on.

“Haste makes waste” is true – it is important to take the time to do the work well, thoughtfully, and with deeper understanding.  We have many stories to back up these beliefs!

We have spent literally decades working inside of business organizations of a wide spectrum of sizes and types.  Between the two principals our work experience in multi-national corporations stretches across geographies and cultures – the USA, the UK, Europe, the Middle-East, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

As technology and data service customers, as well as internal service providers, we have seen more on the inside, than those service providers who have only been service providers. We lived through many complex situations, solved many problems, and have the wisdom to show for it.

We have had a lot of practice sorting out solutions to problems, from very small to huge and complex systems.

We have designed systems to handle enterprise-wide delivery of data and tools to users who depend on these to do their work, every day.

We know what works and sometimes more importantly, what does not work, in technology implementations and managing the data and information that feeds through technology to the end consumer.

Strategic planning is the most important first step – completion and quality in the delivery are critical.  Sustainable solutions are the most cost-effective. 

We deliver solutions, and we deliver return-on-investment to our customers.

We have led many #GIS and #data management functions and projects, through time, across the planet.  We have been “the customer” as well as “the provider” of geospatial technology services and solutions, sometimes both at the same time!

  • We understand from the customer perspective the value that a service provider should deliver.
  • As customers, over time, we learned the ropes from our trusted providers and from thought leaders in the industry, as well.
  • Most importantly, we learned how to partner and work in teams to problem solve and get the job done. 
  • How to work with others is a basic skill that we have discovered is missing with some organizations who provide services. 
  • The customer is the main player on the team. Inability to partner and work on teams does not work out well in today’s world.  Trust and teamwork is essential in order to deliver the best solutions to customers. 
  • We recognize the value of community and sharing best practices as well as what should be improved.
  • We have experienced the good, the bad and the ugly – the trials and the failures. 
  • We have come away from bad experiences, learning many lessons for applying principles of continuous improvement.

We can help you with your tech-build or overhaul-remodel replacing outdated technology.

Large or small jobs

We can help you map based on your present needs or help you map-out your future growth.

We can also validate your geospatial data integrity.  Without good quality data your locations could be absolutely wrong.

Ask us how we conduct our audits and forensic efforts.

We are available to work virtually on any project, anywhere.

  • IntegraShare Dimensions is ready to serve organizations who need help in dealing with the challenges facing the world today as everyone evaluates what to do next.  We work virtually.  We can work across time zones, if needed.
  • We can provide geospatial analysis, data operations, and other tracking efforts related to the challenges faced in the pandemic situation. 
  • We partner with others who are data providers, training organizations, developers, and geomatics experts – plus, other practitioners who have wide-ranging skill-sets and a composite knowledge base that can handle practically any set of tasks. We can build responsive teams in short order.

We are agile, creative, and able to get the job done without putting people in unsafe situations. 

Let us help you with your data-focused “to-do” list!

  • At IntegraShare Dimensions, we are all about helping people with understanding data in a multi-dimensional context – how to make data work hard for you, not make your life harder!
  • We can help your organization learn about the importance of location in data – After all, without location awareness… how do you know where you are and where you want to go next ?

Located in The Woodlands, Texas – in the USA, we work virtually and can access your site safely and remotely to help with your #data and #geospatial technology needs.

Don't have mappers?
We can build maps* for you at exceptionally reasonable rates.
Contact us to learn details of how we work to virtually deliver maps for customers.
We can transform your old maps into useful geospatial information that you can use.
We can help you configure maps with their underlying facts into useful integrated dashboards.
We can help you plan your geospatial strategy.
Ask us for help with configuring geospatial applications for you that are out of this world.
Get the maximum value from your data. Ask us about building stunning and effective geospatial analyses.
Ask about the use of near real-time data for your business. We can help.

*And with any solutions or map deliveries you also receive re-usable data to to gain even more value for your spend!  We can help with creating dashboards and visualizations that give your maps even more meaning and utility for your organization.