Location! Location! Location! How do I know if this is a good one?

In our neighborhood, we have new eateries coming in, new shopping areas, and all sorts of new development.  bigstock-Chef-Decorating-Pasta-Salad-Wi-47494984There are several locations, where over the years, there have been failed restaurants of various brands – some “mom and pop” places – some local chains – and these fail, every time.  Why?  Good question.

The fact of the matter is that these locations will become another new restaurant at some point – or some other type of business.

Risk-46979656These developed properties are sitting there, ready for someone else to move in, hire employees, and take the risk – hopeful that this time, it will work out.  What is required is better risk management based on a good understanding of what to expect.

How will they be able to predict success and minimize risk without doing a site selection using a location analytics approach? 

IMG_5212 (Edited)Let’s just say, it will not be as “easy as pie” — It will be more like throwing darts.Dart_board

We often visit with small businesses and organizations who could certainly use this methodology, but they get the ol’ “deer in the headlights” look – thinking, “too hard” – but, it is really not that difficult.

Beyond the initial site selection, once your business is up and running, you can also monitor how things are going, as #Esri has some pretty darn cool tools coming out that can make this happen.

#EsriLocationAnalytics can definitely make it easier to understand where best to position your business, be it physical or virtual.  It’s the smart thing to do ahead of investing your time and money into your new business.

It might take a little help, from people who know how to do it, but adding the location component to business intelligence is now widely practiced by many large organizations – and several savvy small ones, too.

Will you #BeSavvy and use #LocationIntelligence to understand your next market assessment or decide where to locate your new restaurant or business for optimal traffic flow and other factors that may impact your success?  Why not give it a try?

Contact us to start a conversation – we can help you get started (at least)!
